Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, Trulyhelp Foundation is an independent organization registered as a not-for-profit company under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. (Eligible for deduction under section 80g of income tax act 1961) PAN No.: AAICT6911G

We Care We Help! we have a team of absolutely keen members associated with various need-based projects & every single member is contributing with a positive attitude to support these projects. It’s about awareness in our community about hygiene factors, nutrition diet, sports training, and encouraging women & family planning. We look after the education and healthcare needs of the children and link them to sponsors who provide them with school fees, books, medicines & uniforms.

 Every single individual from Trulyhelp Foundation will always strive to add happiness in every corner of life through various initiatives:

  • LET FIGHT HUNGER- FOOD FOR ALL Help those who require food. We distribute food in slum areas and to homeless people.
  • SPARK A LIGHT- Give the life-changing gift of education to a child
  • LET ENJOY EVERY SMALL THING - Everyone wishes to enjoy their favourite festival. We give them the chance to do so.
  • BE SAFE BE HEALTHY-Hygiene is one of the most basic needs of everyone. Provide children with the right nutrition to support healthy life
  • Nari shakti– Women empowerment program
  • YOUR CONTRIBUTION YOUR CHOICE- Many homeless persons lack proper clothing, so we help them by donating clothes. 
  • Let's GIVE SKY TO FLY- kids who are good at sports are not able to perform well because of the lack of proper sports kits.


Our mission is to reach out to 5 Lakhs children by 2025 and get them quality education & healthcare every single child should enjoy nutrition & healthy diet.

As on date, we have over 150 active volunteers across India working on a wide variety of projects – a growing community of young citizens who support the cause.

Our volunteers come from a diverse range of backgrounds – we have students as well as working professionals from across various disciplines. All of them are bound by a common purpose – to ensure happier childhoods for India’s children!


Click here to go back to the section on volunteering options at Trulyhelp, select the one you’d like to apply for and click on the button to start your application process.


We endeavor to respond to all volunteering requests within 5-7 working days of closing the application process.


As a premier child rights organization, we select our volunteers and interns on the basis of their alignment with Trulyhelp’s vision of ensuring happier childhoods as well as their suitability for the role they’ve applied for.



You don’t need to have prior volunteering experience to become a Trulyhelp volunteer. At Trulyhelp, we believe everyone can make a difference in their own special way and we look forward to having you on board!

Of course! We’d love to have you on board as a Trulyhelp volunteer, no matter where you come from. However, we will be unable to bear your travel, visa and stay expenses so please do provision for the same at your end.

Absolutely! You can choose to become a remote volunteer and work on a variety of impactful projects from the comfort of your own home.

You should be aged 18 years or above to apply for most of the volunteering programs that Trulyhelp has to offer. However, if you’re below 18 years of age, you can still apply to become a student volunteer – a guided experience that will need parental consent before initiation.

Our volunteering programs are definitely structured to ensure maximum impact and facilitate learning but they do allow for a significant deal of flexibility by enabling the co-curation of the volunteering experience with the candidates themselves. We also take your academic/professional time commitments into consideration while planning for your experience so that you do not face a disruption of any kind.

During your application process, you can indicate how many hours per week you’d be able to commit to volunteering with Trulyhelp. We’ll design your experience basis your availability accordingly.

Being a non-profit, Trulyhelp internships are not paid – however, all your field work expenses will be reimbursed on actuals.

No – all expenses undertaken by you through the course of your work as a Trulyhelp volunteer will be reimbursed by Trulyhelp on actuals.

Trulyhelp will induct you into the program and ensure that you have a detailed understanding of the organization as well as your role as a volunteer. You will have a Volunteer Action manager to speak with whenever you have a doubt or need guidance on your plan of action. You will also receive regular feedback on your progress and will be mentored to build your leadership skills.

At the successful completion of your tenure with Trulyhelp as a volunteer, you’ll receive a formal certificate of acknowledgement that can be submitted as a part of your future college/job applications.

We understand if you need to leave your volunteering program earlier than expected due to circumstances outside of your control. Just have a chat with your Volunteer Action manager on your reasons for leaving the program midway and discuss suitable alternatives. However if you do not give such advance notice, we’ll be unable to issue you a formal certificate of acknowledgement of your volunteering experience with Trulyhelp.

Please send us an email on for any changes in mandate or to discontinue your mandate.

Yes! A prior intimation at the project venue would make the visit more meaningful. You may feel free to visit any of our current projects. Subject to govt, bank holidays and availability of staff.

Yes! You may feel free to interact with the kid you support (provided no objection from the institute/school). Basis schools schedule/convenience/permission. Transparent details will be made available to you.

Yes, you will get an 80(g) certificate that is tax exempted.

Yes, we do. We do intensive training sessions with them so that they are fully knowledgeable about Trulyhelp foundation and its programmes, and can share important information as and when required.

We receive funding from individuals like you, corporates and institutions.

We choose projects based on our strategic programming framework, which guides us on matters of where we work, with whom and for what outcome.


Noida Sector 15

Trulyhelp is a non-profit organization to supports people pan India and keeps an eye on the future support.

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